Can You Wash Memory Foam Pillows?

You sleep on your pillow night after night. It’s important to keep your memory foam pillow as fresh, so it lasts longer and helps you get a healthy night’s sleep. But can you wash memory foam pillows?

How Long Does a Memory Foam Pillow Last?

When we think of achieving the perfect night’s sleep that’s both comfortable and good for our physical health or posture, a mattress is usually the first port of call - but what if we told you sleeping with a supportive pillow is equally as important if you want to wake...

Are Memory Foam Pillows Good for Snoring?

Memory foam pillows are good for snoring thanks to their unique, supportive qualities. In the UK, 41.5% of adults snore. That’s approximately 15 million snorers and a whole lot of disgruntled partners, according to the British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association. If snoring is affecting your sleep, a memory foam...

Sleep Apnea Pillow: How Memory Foam Can Help?

Sleeping disorders such as Sleep Apnea (or Sleep Apnoea) can be a very distressing and upsetting thing to experience. Luckily, sleep apnea pillows can help to ease symptoms for a sound night’s sleep. Tiredness and fatigue take a massive toll on your daily life – but don’t worry, it doesn’t...

How to Choose a Pillow for a Perfect Night’s Sleep

The right pillow can be the difference between waking up refreshed and waking up with a sore neck.That’s why we’re here with some helpful advice on how to choose a pillow that’s suited to you and your sleeping needs. While an unsupportive pillow can result in upper body aches and...

Simple Hacks for Sleeping on a Plane

With summer fast approaching, it’s time to pack those suitcases and get ready for a jolly holiday. But how can you make the most of your journey? We’ve got some simple hacks for sleeping on a plane to help you avoid jet lag and arrive at your destination refreshed and...