6 Simple Tips for Good Posture

Good Sleeping Posture: Tips and Advice

Where are you reading this article right now? Are you aware of your posture?

Likelihood is that you’re hunched over a desk or laptop. Sound about right? Good posture is equally important at night as it is during the day. Maintaining a good sleeping posture has wide ranging benefits both for your sleep and general health.

If you want to make improvements to your posture, it can take time and effort, but the results are well worth it. Read on to find out how.

How To Maintain Good Posture While Sleeping

Most of us are aware that the way we sit and stand can have an effect on our posture, but what about our sleeping position?

Good sleeping posture can help ease pressure on joints, reduce snoring and help you sleep well.

Here’s how to achieve it;

Mattress Posture: Side Sleepers

One of the best sleeping positions for good posture is to sleep on your side or in the fetal position. By elongating the natural curve of the spine and reducing pressure, sleeping on your side can improve spine health.

Studies have shown that sleeping on your left side can;

Side sleepers may find a memory foam mattress topper helps to provide cushioning for hips, ankles and shoulders as they press against the mattress.

Top tip: Sleep with a flat pillow between your knees to keep your hips aligned.

Back Sleepers

Sleeping on your back is another healthy way to sleep in terms of posture. This is because it allows your head, neck, shoulders and back to recline in a neutral position.

Stomach Sleepers

Sleeping on your front can put pressure on your lower back. To remedy this, choosing a medium firm mattress can help to encourage a flatter spine. To keep your neck in its natural position, rest your forehead on a pillow with your head facing straight down rather than to one side.

Does Sleeping on the Floor Help Posture?

Not necessarily. In fact, sleeping on the floor could aggravate pressure points, especially if you sleep on your front or side. While some believe a firm floor does wonders for posture, you’re probably better off with a medium to firm mattress designed to accommodate your body.

Woman in bed sleeping on her side

Why is Good Posture Important?

Good posture can make you look and feel more confident, slimmer, and most importantly, it can offer relief to back pain caused by constantly hunching over.

In our day to day routine; walking, running, sitting, standing, lying, we put strain on the muscles and ligaments which enable us to do each of these simple activities. Good posture ensures that we exert the minimal amount of strain.

However, maintaining good posture while sleeping is equally important, as it encourages healthy spinal alignment and has an impact on our overall posture.

Here are some of the benefits to good posture;

  • Can make you look and feel slimmer and more confident
  • Offers relief for neck and back pain
  • Improves circulation
  • Reduces acid reflux
  • Eases snoring at night

Correcting bad posture doesn’t happen overnight and is something you need to work at. Remind yourself as often as possible to make an effort to sit up straight, whether you’re driving, at the office, or at home watching TV. The more you practice, the easier it will become!

How to Ensure Good Posture: Tips

When trying to correct your posture, it’s important to focus equally on your sleeping and waking moments. Your everyday actions and choices can have a big impact on your overall posture and spine health.

We’ve gathered some simple tips on how to ensure good posture 24/7;

Good Posture at Work

When at work, avoid sitting in the same position for long periods of time. After 30 minutes take a short break, make a drink, have a quick stretch or a few deep breaths…

Stand Up Straight

When standing up, always try to keep your head straight. It should not tilt forward in front of your shoulders; your ears should be about in line with your shoulders. Always looking forward and to the horizon can help keep your head up and straight.

Reminder to Sit Up Straight

When sitting, ensure that your feet are flat on the floor and in line with your knees. If you find yourself with your legs crossed, uncross them and place them flat on the floor again.

Practice Good Reading Posture

A few chapters of a good book before bed can help you drift off more easily. But when you read hunched over, this can have a negative affect over time.

The Correct Posture for Watching TV in Bed

Do you often watch TV in bed? Finding the right angle can be difficult, often resulting in crooked necks and slumping.

Using a memory foam back support wedge is a simple solution. This will allow you to sit up comfortably without putting pressure on your spine.

Good Posture Exercises

Keep your back straight and your shoulders back. A good way of making sure your shoulders are back is to draw a circle with them; first roll them forwards and up towards your ears and then back past your ears and down as far as possible, ending up in a much better position.

Other exercises that encourage good posture include yoga and pilates.

Set Good Posture Reminders

Make yourself a reminder during the day. If you work at a desk, try a post it note with the word ‘posture’ on it to remind you. If you don’t work in an office, try a note in your car, or set a reminder on your phone.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing can help to stretch and strengthen your chest and diaphragm. Taking even 5-10 minutes out of your day to do some real deep breathing can help to improve your posture.

Best Mattress for Good Posture

Good posture doesn’t happen overnight, or does it…?

A memory foam mattress can help you on the path to better posture. By distributing your weight evenly and allowing shoulders and hips to sink into the mattress, memory foam offers a higher level of support and ensures your spine remains in a neutral position throughout the night.

Want to unlock the benefits for yourself? Buy a mattress online here.


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