Is Your Memory Foam Mattress Too Hot? Why You M...

Are you prone to overheating? Wondering if your memory foam mattress is too hot? We examine why that may be the case and tips you can follow to keep cool during the night for a better night's sleep. Memory Foam is a wonderful thing, with a list of health benefits...

Best Mattress for Front Sleepers: Sleep Well wi...

For front sleepers, finding a comfortable sleep surface that doesn’t put too much strain on the neck or lower back can be tricky. It may not be the best sleeping position for spinal alignment, but for lots of us, it’s the easiest way to fall asleep!We can’t help how we...

Best Mattress for Hip Pain: UK Guide to Better ...

Do sore hips keep you up at night? If so, it could be time to upgrade your mattress. Quality sleep is vital for our overall health, concentration levels and mental wellbeing. So, if pain is getting in the way of a great night’s slumber, it’s time to do something about...

Best Mattress for Fibromyalgia Sufferers UK

People with Fibromyalgia or other chronic pain conditions will understand the difficulty of trying to get a good night’s sleep when experiencing a flare up of symptoms. The good news? Your choice of mattress could make a big difference in terms of pain relief and support. We look at the...

Memory Foam Warehouse Joins Made In Britain

Have you heard the news? We’ve been added to the Made in Britain brand website! The Made in Britain collective mark unites the UK manufacturing sector to help consumers and buyers identify high quality products, made in Britain. As a UK based company that makes all of our memory foam...

How To Organise Under Bed Storage for a Tranqui...

It’s a common problem; working out where to put your growing collection of belongings in your small bedroom. As the clothes piles mount, anxiety grows, and you lose track of what you own and where you put it. One way of controlling bedroom clutter and savouring floor space in your...