Cosy Winter Bedroom Ideas: Bunker Down for The ...

And just like that, it’s that time of year again! Instead of mourning the end of warm sunshine and long evenings, it’s time to get excited about getting cosy. Think woollen socks, carb heavy dinners and great TV.To get through the long winter months, we all need a little extra...

Best Podcasts To Help You Sleep: The MFW Edition

Struggling to drift off? Switching off at the end of a long and busy day is sometimes easier said than done. No wonder sleep inducing podcasts are becoming a popular solution.With so many out there to choose from, we thought we’d review some of the best sleep podcasts to help...

The Memory Foam Warehouse Book Club Reading Lis...

Want to join our book club? There’s nothing better than sinking into your bed at the end of the day with a good read. Just a chapter or two can reduce stress levels and help you drift off, clearing your mind of worries and getting you ready for sleep. But...

What Is a Coolmax Mattress? Sleep Technology to...

Do you ever wake up hot and sweaty in the middle of the night? If the answer is yes, your mattress could be part of the problem. Coolmax mattresses are designed specifically with hot sleepers in mind, and could help you to sleep

What Are Memory Foam Mattresses Made Of?

We’ve all heard of memory foam. But do you know what actually goes into a memory foam mattress? From the different types of foam and their benefits to mattress construction, we take a look inside our mattresses to show you what a memory foam mattress is made of. Memory Foam...

How to Know You’re Buying A Good Quality Memory...

When you make a big investment like buying a memory foam mattress, you want to be sure you’re getting the best. But how can you tell what’s good and what’s not when it comes to memory foam?   That’s where we come in. With years of experience in the business,...